Make, Use, Abandon, Repeat – re-mixing Real Estate and Archaeology

I was invited to give a guest lecture at University College London yesterday, in the hallowed halls of the Institute of Archaeology.

Here are my slides. They remix elements from some other recent talks I’ve given, but weave in a preoccupation with the circularity of time (Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence) or at least the circularity of certain temporal processes as they occur in the built environment.

To make things fun along the way there are also various encounters with Tom Cruise, Ouoboros the self-consuming serpent, The Simpsons and some mildly confessional stuff from me about wearing three hats, self-defining as a (dark) real estate researcher and trying to work out the relationship between recursivity in individual biography, and that played out – Ouoboros-like – in the fates and fortunes of the built environment.

All together now, ‘Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat.’

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